Environmental Commission

The Environmental Commission is an official arm of the local government, established to protect the environment and conserve natural resources. Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor.

The Environmental Commission advises the Borough Council and Planning Board, promotes public awareness, and conducts projects to improve the environment of Roosevelt. These include activities such as forest management planning, control of invasive plant species, stream monitoring, trail maintenance, studies of local environmental conditions, and many more.

Roosevelt Environmental Commission Mission Statement

To contact the Environmental Commission Chairperson: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Stay informed about EC events and volunteer opportunities! Subscribe to the new EC green team mailing list!

2024 Environmental Commission Members

Name Position Type Term End
Ellen Silverman Chair Regular 12/31/24
Michael Ticktin   Regular 12/31/25
Sam Ashburner   Regular 12/31/26
Michael Hamilton Vice Chair  / Council Member Regular 12/31/24
Vacant PB Liaison Regular 12/31/27
Dave Teich   Regular 12/31/24
Ben Johnson   Regular 12/31/25
Vacant   Alt #1 12/31/24
Vacant   Alt #2  
Maria Dellasala  Secretary   12/31/24


Environmental Commission Document Library (Documents below are provided as PDFs)
Environmental Commission Agendas and Minutes
Adopt-A-Storm Drain Pledge and Chart
Sustainable Jersey Certification
Roosevelt Natural Resources Inventory Phases I, II, & III 1991-93 
ERI Report 06152015 (2015 Environmental Resources Inventory)
Roosevelt CFMP Approved 7-14-17 (Community Forest Management Plan)
Roosevelt Buy Fresh/Buy Local list 8-2-22
Roosevelt Plants
Spotted Lanternfly Leaving Egg Masses Around NJ-What Residents Can Do

Maria Dellasala
Environmental Commission Secretary

33 N. Rochdale Avenue
P.O. Box 128
Roosevelt, NJ 08555
Tel: 609-448-0539
Fax: 609-448-8716

Roosevelt Water Story 2023

Roosevelt Water Story Presentation 2024

EC Newsletter - Aug 2022

EC Newsletter - Fall 2022

Minimize Waste Disposal: Grass Clippings

Home Composting

Backyard Leaf Composting